Committee & Governance

The club committee exists to ensure the proper and effective running of the club. Members are voted onto the committee at the club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in July each year.

All club members are free to approach any of our committee members if they have a request, a recommendation, or any comments regarding the club and its running at any time during a club shoot. Individual meetings can be arranged if more appropriate for the matters requiring to be discussed.

The committee aims to ensure the club is run in such a way that we maintain a friendly, fun and relaxed place for our members to shoot.

2022-2023 Committee

Gavin Fudge
The role of the Chair is to chair all meetings of the club and coordinate activities to ensure an efficient and well-managed club. They are also the final decision maker in deadlock situations, as well as a representative for club interests outside of the organisation.

Gavin Fudge
The Club Secretary ensures that appropriate administrative support is provided to the Chair and club committee. Importantly they are the central point of club administration, handling all club correspondence, and providing the link between the committee, members and outside agencies – including Winterfold School and Archery GB.

Membership Secretary – Jamie Beese-Raybould
The Membership Secretary looks after new memberships and renewals, administering all membership and affiliation requirements for club members, including maintaining members lists with ArcheryGB.

Peter Wright
The Treasurer records all money collected and spent by the club. They are responsible for the management of all club funds, the bank account and purchasing. The Treasurer also keeps the committee informed as to the financial state of the club as and when needed and prepares the end-of-year accounts.

Safeguarding Officer
Emily Turner
The Safeguarding Officer is responsible for ensuring the club has effective safeguarding policies, and ensuring these policies and procedures are implemented to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults in the club. They also manage and report any concerns about children and vulnerable adults.

Equipment Officer(s)
Tony Wood/Jamie Beese-Raybould
Our equipment officers are responsible for maintaining all club equipment and ensuring the purchase or replacement of equipment where needed. They also look after equipment storage.

Tournament Officer
Jamie Beese-Raybould
The Tournament Officer is responsible for organising club tournaments and looking after score submissions for inter-club tournaments. They also arrange and administer the summer club competition and any one-off or novelty shoots.

Records Officer
Peter Wright
The Records Officer receives and administers all club score submissions. They keep track of club records and members’ personal bests and manage and communicate individual member handicaps and classifications.

Coaching Officer
Steve Groves
Responsible for ensuring that the club has a healthy coaching team, and helping members – particularly new members – with coaching requirements. The Coaching Officer also ensures all qualifications are kept up to date and assists those club members wishing to become coaches.

Social & Club Clothing Officer
Emily Turner
The Club Clothing Officer organises suppliers for official club clothing, and co-ordinates member orders,

IT & Website Officer
The IT & Website Officer looks after everything IT related for the club, including the website and social media. They also look after the safekeeping of records and personal data.

Junior Representative
The Junior Representative looks after the interests of junior members at the club and advises the committee on such matters.


Our Annual General Meeting is held annually every July. At the AGM members are elected for the coming year, and discussion is held on the state of the club and any proposals, alongside any further points that need agreeing upon. All club members are welcome to attend and vote on the election of committee members and any proposals put forward.

All members of the Club are entitled to make nominations for candidates to fill positions on the Committee. Any club member wishing to stand for a committee position must be nominated by another club member. Nominations may be lodged with the Club Secretary prior to the General Meeting, but they will also be accepted at the meeting. Nominations lodged before the meeting must show the name of the proposer and also indicate that the candidate is willing to stand.

All current committee members – adjudged as ‘retiring’ at the AGM – are entitled to re-election without the requirement for nomination.

Should it be required, a Special General Meeting can be held. This can be called by the Committee by a majority vote, or by one or more written requests by members. Member requests are required to be filed with the Club Secretary and endorsed by a majority vote from the committee, or by at least one-quarter of the members of the club. All requisitions for a Special General Meeting shall specify the purpose(s) for which the meeting is being called, and only that business may be conducted at the meeting.
