Anti-bullying Policy

Worcester Bowmen fully supports the ArcheryGB Anti-Bullying Policy and has a zero-tolerance policy to bullying by any member, volunteer or visitor to the club in all aspects of the club, its operations and its development.

This policy reinforces our commitment to preventing all forms of bullying within our club and sets out how we feel about bullying as an organisation, what we will do to tackle it and how we will support children and young people who experience or display bullying behaviour.

In supporting the ArcheryGB Anti-Bullying Policy, and in line with that policy, we will:

  • Act on all forms of Bullying.
  • Ensure that all our members, volunteers and visitors are made aware that everyone in archery has a responsibility to work together to stop bullying.
  • Recognise our duty of care and responsibility to safeguard everyone involved in our club from harm.
  • Promote and implement this Anti-Bullying policy in addition to our Safeguarding Policy and procedures.
  • Ensure that bullying behaviour is not tolerated or condoned.
  • Require all our members and volunteers to sign up to this policy.
  • Take action to facilitate the investigation and response to any reports of bullying.
  • Encourage and facilitate children and young people to play an active part in reviewing and adopting the codes of conduct for our club.
  • Ensure that coaches are given access to information, guidance and training on bullying.
  • Let children and young people know who will listen to and support them.
  • Ensure children feel confident to talk to an adult about bullying behaviour or any other issue that affects them.
  • Listen carefully to anyone who reports an incident of bullying and take seriously all such reports.
  • Investigate any reported experience of bullying behaviour ensuring we listen carefully to all those involved.
  • Support and help children who may be experiencing bullying behaviour to uphold their right to play and live in a safe environment.
  • Support and encourage children or young people who display bullying behaviour to develop better relationships where appropriate.
  • Ensure sanctions are proportionate and fair.

Our members and volunteers will be asked to ensure that they:

  • Encourage individuals to speak out about bullying behaviour.
  • Respect every child’s need for, and right to, a play environment where safety, security, praise, recognition and opportunity for taking responsibility are available.
  • Respect the feelings and views of others.
  • Recognise that everyone is important and equal and that our differences make each of us special and worthy of being valued.
  • Show appreciation of others by acknowledging individual qualities, contributions and progress.
  • Ensure safety by having rules and practices carefully explained and displayed for all to see.
  • Report incidents of bullying behaviour that they see – by doing nothing you are condoning the behaviour.

To support parents and guardians of children and young people we will:

  • Advise them of the club’s anti-bullying policy and procedures.
  • Discuss any experience of bullying behaviour with a child or young person with their parents or guardians.
  • Consult with and seek agreement from parents and guardians on any actions to be taken as a result of children or young people experiencing bullying or displaying bullying behaviour.
  • Provide guidance on available information and advice on coping or dealing with bullying where appropriate.

Any member who wishes to raise any concerns regarding any of the above should do so in the first instance with the Club Welfare Officer.

JULY 2023
