Health & Safety Policy

Worcester Bowmen regards the safety and welfare of all its members to be of paramount importance.

The Club acknowledges that it has a special Duty of Care to its junior and more vulnerable members who may be less aware of the potential dangers intrinsic to the sport of archery.

The club will always follow the policies and guidelines laid down by Archery GB.

To this end Worcester Bowmen will observe the following to ensure the safety and welfare of all members.

  1. The club will make regular safety inspections of both its indoor and outdoor shooting facilities and the risk assessment will be displayed on the club notice board.
  2. Additional risk assessments will be made prior to any extra event that is held at the club considering the nature of that event and the completed risk assessment will be made available on the club notice board.
  3. Any matters of concern raised by members will be assessed, and appropriate action taken.
  4. All club equipment will be inspected for safety before every use, and regularly every six months.
  5. All club equipment will be inspected for safety immediately prior to any Beginners Course or Try Archery Session.
  6. All participants taking part in Beginners Courses or Try Archery Sessions will be supplied with equipment suitable for them.
  7. The Archery Range will always be laid out according to Archery GB guidelines.
  8. All activities taking place at the club will conform to Archery GB guidelines.
  9. Safe entry and exit procedures, particularly to the indoor venue, will be explained to all newcomers at the beginning of any session.
  10. Emergency and evacuation procedures will be explained to all newcomers at the start of any session and are displayed on the notice board.
  11. All shooting members of the club must have completed a Beginners Course at Worcester Bowmen or provide evidence that they have completed such a course at another club.
  12. All persons shooting must be members of Archery GB.
  13. All visitors to the club must provide evidence that they are members of Archery GB.
  14. All persons shooting must always adhere to the Archery GB Rules of Shooting.
  15. The Field Captain should warn any individual if they make any infringement of the Rules of Shooting.
  16. Any Coach or Archery Leader is entitled to warn an archer if they make any infringement of the Rules of Shooting if it is bought to their attention.
  17. Persistent infringements of these Rules will lead to disciplinary action.
  18. Junior Archers under the age of 14 must be always accompanied by a parent/guardian.
  19. Parents/guardians of junior archers are expected to be responsible for their general good behaviour.
  20. No behaviour that places either that individual or any other member of the club at risk will be tolerated and individuals may be asked to leave the shooting line.
  21. Whilst the club is fully committed to making the sport available to everyone it reserves the right to impose extra precautions in certain cases, such as the necessity for the presence of a helper/facilitator.
  22. Juniors between the age of 14 and 18 who have been members of the club for a minimum of 1 year may be left by their parents if there are sufficient, qualified personnel present and able to act in a supervisory capacity.
  23. A Register of Attendance will be kept at every session taking part at the club to include guests as well as those shooting.
  24. All members are strongly recommended to fill in a card and have it on their person (committee advise in quiver so all know where to look if needed) when shooting, with current information regarding, address, telephone number, emergency contact number along with details of any medical condition that may affect them whilst they are on site. They are also requested to include any personal emergency medicines that they carry.
  25. This information will only be passed on to medical personnel should the need arise.
  26. A First Aid Kit will be kept stocked and available with all items recommended by the latest First Aid Guidelines.
  27. A list of current holders of First Aid Certificates will be maintained at both venues.
  28. The club encourages all its members to be always aware of safety issues and to bring any concerns to the attention of the committee without delay.
  29. As Archery is a potentially a dangerous sport, if persons should act irresponsibly while on site and or shooting and not comply with club or Archery GB policies or guidelines, their membership can be revoked at the discretion of the committee.

JULY 2023
