Equality Policy

Worcester Bowmen fully supports the ArcheryGB Equality& Diversity Policy and the club will take every possible step to ensure that equality and diversity are promoted in all aspects of the club, its operations, and its development.

This policy reinforces our commitment to providing equal opportunities and fairness for everyone and not provide less favourable facilities or treatment because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, religion or belief, or sex and sexual orientation (together known as the protected characteristics). As a club, we are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

In supporting the ArcheryGB Equality& Diversity Policy, and in line with that policy, we will:

  • create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of everyone are recognised and valued.
  • create an environment that promotes dignity, fairness, and respect for all members, volunteers, and visitors.
  • not accept any form of discrimination, intimidation, bullying, victimisation, or harassment, and will take disciplinary action against those that break this policy.
  • make opportunities for training, development, and progression available to all members.
  • promote equality and diversity.
  • encourage anyone who feels they have been discriminated against to raise their concerns so we can act.
  • encourage all volunteers, members, and visitors to treat everyone with dignity and respect.
  • regularly review all our practices and procedures so that fairness is always maintained.
  • Inform all our members that we have an equality and diversity policy and that they must keep to our requirements and promote fairness; and
  • let other agencies and stakeholders know about this policy.

Any member who wishes to raise any concerns regarding any of the above should do so in the first instance with the Club Secretary.

JULY 2023
