Indoor Classifications

In line with this year’s changes to outdoor classifications, ArcheryGB has made similar changes to indoor classifications for the 2023-2024 indoor season.

As with the outdoor classifications, there are eight classification levels, grouped into 3 tiers – Indoor Archer, Indoor Bowman and Indoor Master Bowman.

In the Archer tier, there are 3 levels – 3rd Class, 2nd Class and 1st Class. The Bowman tier is also split into 3 levels – 3rd Class, 2nd Class and 1st Class. Finally, the Master Bowman tier consists of two levels – Indoor Master Bowman and the highest level of Indoor Grand Master Bowmen.

Achieving the levels is based on consistently shooting scores across different rounds, with bowstyle, gender and age group determining the required score levels. These are calculated from handicap tables available on the ArcheryGB website.

Archer Tier

The Archer tier levels are set to a level that should be achievable by all archers after 1-2 years of shooting. Once an archer has shot the required number of rounds to a total of 120 arrows – e.g. 2 Portsmouth rounds – and scored at the required threshold, then the award will be achieved. Scores to get to Archer tier levels can be submitted from normal club shooting, and the award is administered at club level.

Bowman Tier

Unlike the outdoor Bowman tier, the Indoor Bowman levels are designed for archers who are shooting regularly at competitive events. The number of arrows required is greater – 180 (or 15 dozen) or typically 3 indoor rounds. Importantly archers should be achieving scores at competitive events – organised competitions, club target days, postal competition matches or other events covered by rule 304 of the rules of archery.

Note events do not have to be Record Status for Bowman tier levels, with these classifications still awarded at club level.

Master Bowmen Tier

For the final, highest tier, only scores shot at a Record Status event – World Record Status or UK Record Status – count towards classification.

The number of arrows remains the same as at the Bowman tier at 180. Unlike outdoor classifications at this tier, the award is still administered at club level and dealt with by the club records officer.

Eligible Rounds

Where indoor rounds can be shot on single or multi-face targets, shooting a round on any face that can be used will count towards classification, which simplifies things a bit. The only exception is the Archery GB Vegas round, which can only be shot on a triple-spot face.


As with the change for outdoor classifications, old scores and levels are incompatible with new ones. As such, all archers will have current indoor classifications archived and will be treated as new to the scheme and Unclassified. Archers can receive an initial classification after shooting the required scores from 1st October 2023 onwards. Classifications will be re-assessed on 1st July 2024 using an archer’s best qualifying scores from the indoor season. For those archers who have not shot enough qualifying scores during the season, their classification level will be reassessed as Unclassified.

So make sure to get those scores submitted. As a club, we will be running a more structured indoor shooting season, with a mix of club sessions, club competitions, postal competitions, and fun shoots. You can find our planned activity here. Taking part in and submitting scores at our club postal league shoots will count towards Bowman tier classifications, so we would really recommend that all archers take part as much as possible.

Below is a table outlining the tiers and levels, and more information can be found on the ArcheryGB website including the classification tables.

  Award Requirements
 Sub LevelsFrom rounds totallingRoundsType of eventAdministered by
Archer TierIndoor Archer 3rd Class10 dozen arrowsAll indoor rounds as shown in tables.Any EventClubs
Indoor Archer 2nd Class
Indoor Archer 1st Class
Bowman TierIndoor Bowman 3rd Class15 dozen arrowsAny competitive event
Indoor Bowman 2nd Class
Indoor Bowman 1st Class
Master Bowman TierIndoor Master BowmanAny Record Status competition
Indoor Grand Master Bowman
  Award Requirements
 Sub LevelsFrom rounds totallingRoundsType of eventAdministered by
Archer TierIndoor Archer 3rd Class10 dozen arrowsAll indoor rounds as shown in tables.Any EventClubs
Indoor Archer 2nd Class
Indoor Archer 1st Class
Bowman TierIndoor Bowman 3rd Class15 dozen arrowsAny competitive event
Indoor Bowman 2nd Class
Indoor Bowman 1st Class
Master Bowman TierIndoor Master BowmanAny Record Status competition
Indoor Grand Master Bowman