It’s been a busy few months at the club. With the indoor/winter season in full swing, here’s a look back at what has been going on.
Postal League
Our teams in the BA Postal League have been going great guns, with our ‘A’ team for both the Portsmouth and Frostbite Leagues sitting top of Division 3 in each at the end of December.
Gabe also recorded the highest men’s division score in the Frostbite League shooting 339.
Great shooting from everyone. Let’s keep it going through the rest of the season.
Fun Shoots
Jamie has been doing great work keeping us entertained with our monthly indoor fun shoots. All of them have been entertaining yet challenging, but possibly the most challenging was the Christmas fun shoot. Rotating the targets kept everyone on their toes.

The Burns Night shoot also proved to be a tough one, but no less enjoyable. This shoot did see some particularly fine efforts, in particular from the eventual winner Peter, with a cracking ‘3 haggis end’.

While at first, the fun shoots are just that – a chance to have some fun, they also challenge archers to think about technique and aiming, and maybe try something new in these areas without ‘target’ pressure.
Club Competitions
We have been introducing informal ‘club competitions’ In a bid to gently introduce our archers to the more formal elements of competitive shooting, along with attempting rounds that they may not shoot very often.
January saw everyone shooting a Worcester round, which for many of our novice archers was a first. It was great to see everyone getting involved with some friendly rivalry and shooting so well.