Photography Policy

  1. Worcester Bowmen may on occasion use photographs or video footage as a coaching tool. You are asked to consent to this on your Registration Form. In the case of juniors, consent is required from the parent/guardian and the young person themselves. Each participant is entitled to a copy of any such film, but the club will not store the footage or use it for any other purpose. If at any time you wish to withdraw your consent, you may do so.
  2. Worcester Bowmen may also wish to take photographs of various events for use on our website or for other promotional purposes. You are, again, asked to consent to this on your Registration Form. In the case of juniors, consent is required from the parent/guardian and the young person concerned.
  3. If at any time you wish to withdraw your consent you may do so, and any photographs currently in use or held digitally will be removed.
  4. Members and visitors may well wish to take their own photographs/video footage as a memento of a visit or occasion. The club is happy for you to do this but to provide safeguards for our members, (particularly our junior members) we will ask you to complete a permission slip. This will ask for:
    Your name
    Your Address
    The purpose of your photograph/ film.
  5. We understand that you may wish to share your photographs with friends/relatives, but we ask that any photographs or video content that feature other members, particularly junior members, are not shared on any social media sites.
  6. We would also urge you, particularly if you are posting photos/video footage of your own child on social networking sites, to consider the amount of personal information that is given to accompany them and the digital footprint of your child.
  7. Worcester Bowmen maintains a Register of all those shooting and all visitors.
  8. All non-members (other than parents/guardians accompanying their child/children) will be asked the purpose of their visit.

JULY 2023
