Safeguarding Policy

Children & Vulnerable Adults Protection & Safeguarding Policy

Worcester Bowmen Archery Club is fully committed to safeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults. We will do this by:

  • Ensuring that the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults is paramount.
  • Creating and maintaining the safest environment possible for children, young people and vulnerable adults participating in Archery.
  • Taking all reasonable steps to promote safe practice and to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm, abuse, and exploitation.
  • Promoting an ethos that embraces difference and diversity, and respects the rights of children, young people, and vulnerable adults.

Worcester Bowmen Archery Club’s guidelines are based on Archery GB’s Policy for Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults which is mandatory for archery clubs to follow. The Archery GB Policy can be viewed on their website

Children and young people refer to people under the age of 18.

Vulnerable adults are those over the age of 18, who may be elderly, physically and/or mentally disabled, or have learning difficulties.

Abuse is any form of physical, emotional, or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that leads to injury or harm. Abusers can be male or female. An individual might abuse or neglect a child, young person, or vulnerable adult directly, or may be responsible for abuse because they fail to prevent another person from harming them.

Emily Turner has been appointed Welfare Officer for Worcester Bowmen Archery Club.

Our Welfare Officer is the first point of contact to report any concern regarding abuse from outside or within the club and can be contacted either at a club shoot, or by email at

This policy applies to all club members and all other visitors to the club, including those participating in archery courses.

Code of Practice

Worcester Bowmen Archery Club will adhere to the following Code based on the Archery GB Policy for Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults.

  1. Bullying, cyber-bullying, grooming or any form of unacceptable behaviour towards a junior member will not be tolerated.
  2. For juniors under the age of 16 a parent or designated responsible adult must be present at all club archery sessions and events and will be responsible for the care of that junior.
  3. A Junior Consent Form, outlining conditions of membership and contact details, as well as any relevant medical conditions, must be completed annually by the parent/guardian. The Junior Consent Form may not include email addresses or mobile phone numbers belonging to members who are children or young people.
  4. A contact list of all children and young people who are Worcester Bowmen Archery club members is kept at the club during shooting sessions and at all club events. This list will only be accessible to the Welfare Officer, Membership Officer, Coaching Officer or Club Chair in cases of emergency.
  5. Members who are children, young people or vulnerable adults may only shoot when supervised by at least 2 adults, one of whom must be an Archery GB registered club member from Worcester Bowmen Archery Club. If only 2 adults can be present, then only 1 may shoot at any one time. At least 2 adults must be present (and are not from the same family) when young members or vulnerable adults arrive and until they have all departed.
  6. Members who are children, young people or vulnerable adults who wish to communicate with senior members outside of club events about club business or archery must go through their parents/guardians. All correspondence to members who are children, young people or vulnerable adults from Worcester Bowmen Archery Club will be communicated through their parents/guardians.
  7. All coaches, club management team members and any club members with regular access to children, young people and vulnerable adults, and all those responsible for the club’s Safeguarding Policies within the club, will undergo a screening process (DBS check).
  8. If a child, young person, or vulnerable adult has a medical condition that may in any way affect their shooting, then their parent/guardian should inform either the Welfare Officer or Coaching Officer who will advise the best course of action. This will be dealt with confidentially where possible.
  9. Any photographs or videos taken at club shooting sessions or events, which may include children, young people or vulnerable adults should be logged, and a record kept by the Field Captain of the day or Welfare Officer – this helps prevent photographs or videos of children, young people, or vulnerable adults from later being manipulated and added to inappropriate websites.
  10. Club members should check and report anyone seen to be taking photographs or videos of children, young people, or vulnerable adults.
  11. The use of offensive language, such as swearing, will not be tolerated in the presence of children, young people, and vulnerable adults, and will always be challenged.
  12. No one is permitted to shoot whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Adults may consume a moderate amount of alcohol at social club events only after shooting sessions have completely ceased and all shooting equipment has safely been locked away. Adults may not offer or purchase alcohol for people under the age of 18.
  13. Children and young people may not be taken on car journeys by any club member. All forms of transportation must be provided by parents or guardians. (If parents or guardians wish to organise private arrangements then any issues will be deemed as a private matter and will not involve the club).
  14. The personal life, beliefs and religious faith of a club member must be respected at all times, regardless of age, gender, colour or ethnicity.
  15. No one should engage in rough, physical, or sexually suggestive games at the club at any time, and particularly with any child, young person, or vulnerable adult. Any club member found to be doing so or reported as doing so will be subject to disciplinary action by the club.
  16. Any physical contact with a child, young person or vulnerable adult should be made with only with the explicit permission of the person, and any responsible parent or guardian. If permission is given and physical contact should be made in an open and non-threatening manner and kept to an absolute minimum.
  17. Any sexually suggestive comments made by adults to children, young people or vulnerable adults are deemed inappropriate, even in fun, and should not be made. Any club member found to be doing so or reported as doing so will be subject to disciplinary action by the club.
  18. No one may reduce a child, young person, or vulnerable adult to tears as a form of control. Any club member found to be doing so or reported as doing so will be subject to disciplinary action by the club.
  19. Any accident involving a child, young person, or vulnerable adult, however minor, must be reported to the Club Chair or Welfare Officer, and recorded in the club Accident Book. The parents/guardians must be informed of the incident as soon as possible.
  20. It will be the responsibility of every club member, and the parents/guardians of children and young people attending the club, to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone else whilst participating in club shooting sessions and other club events.
  21. Any complaint made about a club Member will be dealt with in a timely and confidential manner and in accordance with the club’s Constitution and Disciplinary Code, as well as Archery GB’s Policy for Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults.
  22. All allegations of abuse, irrespective of how trivial they may seem, must be reported to the Welfare Officer or Club Chair.
  23. If anyone suspects that a child, young person, or vulnerable adult is being abused – be it sexually, physically, or emotionally – or neglected, either within or outside the club, they should inform the club’s Welfare Officer. It is not the responsibility of anyone involved in archery to decide that a person is being abused but it is their responsibility to act upon their concerns.

Information received from outside the club.

  • Any coach or member of the club who has been accused of abusing a child will be suspended by the club without prejudice pending the investigation.
  • If the member under investigation is found guilty by law of any child-related crime, the member would not be allowed to continue his/her activity in the club and not be allowed to be a member.
  • If the member under investigation is not found guilty by law but gross neglect or seriously unacceptable behaviour according to the club’s constitution, the member would be suspended temporarily or permanently based on the club’s management committee decision.
  • The relevant governing bodies of Archery GB would be informed by the club if the member is found guilty by the law of any child-related crime.

Complaints Procedure

For detailed guidance refer to Section 4 of the Archery GB Policy – a copy is kept in the club storeroom and also by the Welfare Officer; it is also available to view on the Archery GB website

Any concerns regarding the welfare of a child, young person or vulnerable adult should be reported to the club’s Welfare Officer immediately. They will report possible abuse or neglect to the Police and/or Children’s Social Care Services. If a child, young person, or vulnerable adult tells you about abusive behaviour, you should:

  • React calmly so as not to frighten the person.
  • Reassure the person that they were right to confide in you.
  • Make sure that you understand exactly what is being reported – listen carefully and ask questions only to clarify facts or words that you do not understand. Do not speculate or make assumptions or judgments.
  • Do not make promises, to the person making the disclosure, which you may not be able to keep – tell them you will need to inform others and write things down to help them.
  • Do not make comments about the alleged abuser.
  • Do not approach the alleged abuser.
  • Report what you have been told immediately to the club’s Welfare Officer.

Every effort will be made by the club to ensure that confidentiality is maintained for all concerned.

The club’s Welfare Officer must refer the matter to the Club Chair or other appropriate club management team member. They must also inform the police and/or children’s services/adult services regarding a case of possible abuse, as well as the Archery GB Child Protection Officer by phone, without delay. An Incident Report Form should also be completed for all incidents within 24 hours.

If the incident is serious and cannot be resolved at club level, it should be referred to the Archery County/Regional Officer and then, if necessary, to the Archery GB Child Protection Officer.

Where a complaint has been made against a club member, a written acknowledgement will be sent immediately to the person making the complaint, by the club Welfare Officer or other appropriate club management team member. Every effort will be made to inform all parties concerned about the outcome of the investigation, in writing, within 30 days.

Never dismiss what a child, young person or vulnerable adult tells you as lies or exaggeration – the worst possible thing you can do is to ignore it.

Useful contact numbers

NSPCC Helpline – 0808 800 5000 (24 hours)

ChildLine – 0800 1111 (24 hours)

West Mercia Police – emergency – 999 / non-emergency – 101

Worcestershire County Council Child Services – ‘Family Front Door’ – 01905 822666 / 01905 768020 (Out of Hours)

Worcestershire County Council Child Services – ‘Adult Front Door’ – 01905 768053

Archery GB Child Protection – 01952 677 888

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